Thursday, January 8, 2009

Ponte Vecchio

A visit to Florence should include a walk across one of the oldest bridges in Europe, the Ponte Vecchio.

When we crossed it late in the afternoon of October 12, there were street musicians playing and a huge crowd had gathered to listen. We stood here and talked for a while with a couple from Australia who took this photo for us.

The bridge consists of three segmental arches: one large center arch with shorter arches on either side. Shops along the bridge sell gold jewelry.

The Ponte Vecchio crosses the Arno River.

Here's Sharon with the Ponte Vecchio in the background. The Vassari Corridor -- "prince's passageway" -- above the bridge was built so the Medici Grand Dukes could travel safely between the Palazzo Vecchio (old palace) and the Uffizi to the Palazzo Pitti (new palace).

By the time we left it was dark.

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