Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Our first visit to Pompeii

Sunday morning, October 5, we had our last cappuccino at our favorite little bar in Rome, then walked to Roma Termini and took the train to Pompeii. Unfortunately we took the train to Pompeii Scavi, which was about a mile from our B & B. There was not a local bus to take us the rest of the way. Our host, Antonio, was nice enough to come pick us up, but his car was not large enough to transport both of us and our luggage, so he had to make two trips.

This is our bedroom at Certi Notti, Via Nolana 128n, Pompeii. There was a separate sitting room with a small refrigerator and a terrace off the bedroom. It was one of the nicest rooms we stayed in, and a nice breakfast was provided by the owner's wife each morning.

Here's Garold standing in a street in Pompeii -- obviously a well-travelled one, from the looks of the wagon ruts left in the cobblestones! Pompeii was destroyed by an eruption from Mt. Vesuvius in 79 A.D. Vesuvius is considered one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world. It has erupted repeatedly since 79 A.D., and there are currently 3,000,000 people living close to it.
And countless tourists visit it each day. Here I am walking down a cobblestone street in the ancient city of Pompeii.

The large stones in the middle of the street kept wagons in their lanes.

They had bars in Pompeii where people could stop by for a bite to eat, or perhaps to get take out for dinner. The holes in the counter held large pots of food and drink.

Perhaps they used pots like these.

High curbs probably kept pedestrians out of harm's way.

This wagon was one of the few wooden artifacts to survive Vesuvius.

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