Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Herculenium was a small town on the west coast of Italy that was buried under 50 feet of lava, mud and ash in August of 79 A.D. For a long time it was believed that the inhabitants of Herculenium had escaped death, but in 1981 skeletal remains were discovered, huddled together on the beach.

So we took another day trip from our B & B in Pompeii to see the ruins in Herculenium. The residents here suffered a similar fate to those in Pompeii, but the destruction was not quite so complete.

There remain a few scorched wooden beams among the stone ruins in Herculenium.

The walkway into the site provides an overview of the excavated city.

A grove of lemon trees appears to be thriving in the volcanic soil.

Garold stands inside a bar in Herculenium. In Italy a bar is still a place to stop for a quick bite to eat. Perhaps an espresso and a dolce (sweet), or a panini (sandwich).

Here again are the holes in the counter that held large pots of food. Perhaps they had roasted chestnuts instead of peanuts.

This appears to be a shrine inside a private home.

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