Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Clemons-Langston Reunion 2009

Last weekend Garold and I went to the Clemons/Langston family reunion in Branford. It is hosted each year by the Hurst sisters. Although we did not spend much time together when I was growing up, I always enjoy attending this reunion because these folks remind me of my Mom. They tend to be very organized, they cherish their families, and they cook great food! Each year at least one person brings a big roasting pan full of stuffing that tastes just like the stuffing that Mom used to make. This year on the dessert table there was a yummy homemade chocolate cake. What set this cake apart from other cakes is that it was made of many very thin layers of yellow cake, with chocolate frosting in between each. You couldn't get a single bite of this cake without frosting!

Here is an old photo someone brought to the reunion. The lady on the right is Dosha Clemons, and on the left is her daughter, my Mom's first cousin. Can you see the family resemblance?

My brother, Mike, and my cousin Robert's wife, Pam, were also there.

This is Robert, my first cousin. He's the son of Uncle Howard and Aunt Pearl. If you remember Aunt Pearl, then I don't need to tell you who he looks like.

And this is Uncle Howard, my Mom's brother. He will be turning 90 this September. He still takes care of himself, drives his own car, and does his own cooking. He brings a homemade covered dish to every event he attends. For this reunion he made corn casserole. He was a little miffed when he discovered there was a lot left over because someone had mistakenly put it on the dessert table.

1 comment:

Jelly said...

How fun! I love Uncle Howard!!