Thursday, August 13, 2009

Greenwich Village

Today is our last full day in NYC. We started early with a cruise on the Hudson. Our tour guide pointed out where Robert DeNiro and Nicole Kidman have apartments. He showed us where the Titanic would have docked, if it had made it to New York all those years ago. He pointed out the search crew that was still looking for debris from last Saturday's helicopter/Piper mid air collision. They've recovered all of the bodies, so they must be looking for the black box. We cruised right over the Lincoln Tunnel, and the Holland Tunnel. We cruised by Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty.

After the cruise, we rode the subway to Greenwich Village and had some lunch.
There are some really beautiful parks in New York.

We bought some good things to eat at the Magnolia Bakery before Laura had to leave to go to her rehearsal. Garold and I found a park to sit while we enjoyed our sweet treats.

We strolled around trying to find some landmarks that were described in his AAA Guide Book. We managed to find the neighborhood where ee cummings lived for the last 40 years of his life. Many of the buildings in the Village are now owned by New York University.

We finally got tired and abandoned the walking tour. We found a subway station where we could use our very last Metro pass, but not before a crazy person approached us to apologize and tell us that he just got a haircut.

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