Friday, August 7, 2009

Metropolitan Museum of Art

Cezanne painted this picture of men playing cards sometime between 1890 and 1892.

I think that Van Gogh painted this vase of irises.

And these sunflowers and chrysanthemums too.

Renoir immortalized himself here.
All of these masterpieces, and many many more, are on display every day in New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art. I am continually amazed at how much we have in America.
Our second day in NYC we spent the entire day at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. It is a bit overwhelming, even in comparison to the huge museums (Vatican, Uffizi, Accademia) that we saw in Italy! There are so many rooms full of world masterpieces you can scarcely see them in one day, much less the 3 hours that the guidebooks recommend. We ate lunch in the museum cafeteria, where the prices were a bit high ($9.00 for a big salad with turkey and tuna) but it was good, and convenient. I took a million photos, which I will post later. I just hope I can remember what they are!!! Laura went out with her classmates to celebrate their last day of classes, and for dinner we went to John's Pizza just down the street from our hotel. Walking around a museum all day can really wear you out, although I must commend the museums here for great organization and amenities. We walked about 8 miles!