This photo shows Garold standing at the bus stop across the street from our hotel (it is the five story white structure on the right), with the Arno River in the background. Our room number was 430, but it was on the top floor. This is because Europeans call the first floor the ground floor, the second floor the first floor, and so on. Oh, and you use the stairs to get up to the 4th/5th floor!
This was the key to our room. Very old fashioned, right? We had to spend a little time figuring out how to use it. It required two full turns of the tumbler to lock or unlock.
Our efforts were unsuccessful, however. As you can see, the tower continues to lean.
As we strolled through the streets of Pisa, we passed by this cool bookstore.
No visit would be complete without a trip to the Duomo! It was amazing to see how these magnificent structures dominate the landscape of every Italian city.
This photo was taken outside the Baptistry. Note the ancient wall of Pisa in the background.
Tuesday morning we caught the bus to the train station and took the train to Rome. Bus tickets are purchased in Tobacco Shops in Italy. No problem, though. There is a Tobacco Shop on every block, and several in every train and metro station. We bought our Eurail Passes before we left home, from AAA in Gainesville, as well as the seat reservations on some of the trains. Seat reservations cost extra, but in some cases they are required, and they guarantee you a seat. We paid a premium for first class seats because we heard that they allow livestock on trains. I don't know where Italian livestock hangs out, but they weren't on the trains. Reservations for some local trains are not available. They just take you first come first served, and you may or may not get to sit down. You are supposed to write your passport number on the Eurail Pass, and each time you use it you have to write the date on the pass.